Friday, October 31, 2008

Praying Through the Tension

James 1:27 (the Message)

Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.

I read this passage first thing this morning, and I have been letting it work its way into my heart all day. I have to admit, it made me very uncomfortable. I am a thinker, a pray-er, more at home in the contemplative passages in the Bible. Commands to "reach out" are so action-oriented, often outside my comfort zone. In this verse, I can find myself in the words "guard against", as that is something I can do from my knees. I want to focus on that part of the verse, but he's clearly highlighting the preceding portion. "Reach out" is something I must get more involved with on a more practical level.

Could Jesus be pleased with my discomfort around this? I'm certain he is challenging me here. Because I find myself at his feet with so many questions, like "why do I find this so difficult?" and "could there be seasons in my life where I'm more contemplative and seasons when I'm more action-oriented?" and even, "if you've created me with a passion for the contemplative, won't this command be carried out by another, by someone whom you've placed this burden on their heart?" So far I have not gotten any neat and tidy answers. I must be meant to live with the tension. This I know for sure: there is no place I'd rather be with all these questions than face down at the feet of my Lord.

Posted by Candice Letkeman

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A true message of hope

Isaiah 61:1-3
"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, because the Lord has appointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to announce that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord's favor has come, and with it, the day of God's anger against their enemies. To all who mourn in Israel, he will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair. For the Lord has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory."

I love looking at the heading the editors of my Bible attach to each text. In this case, it's very fitting. It states very simply "Good news for the oppressed". If anything this heading is an extreme understatement.  Take for instance verse 3 where Isaiah talks about what God will change. Ashes to beauty, mourning to joy and despair to praise.
It's a beautiful message of hope we can take with us to our darkest moments.
It's that portion of the text that seems to draw my attention, but when I read the first part it doesn't seem so simple.

It says the time of the Lord's favour has come. We often read in the Old Testament of God "turning away" from his people. Does he do that today? When we have bad times in our lives, are we simply waiting for the "time of the Lord's favour"?

I have more questions than answers, more confusion than explanation on this text. It talks about a joyful time for Jerusalem "and with it, the day of God's anger against their enemies." Why am I not entirely comfortable with that? I want God to be with me all the time, and I really want to enjoy the Lord's favour. But I am also told to love my enemies. Should I not than take sadness in the fact that God's anger will be directed against them.

Or are we even supposed to directly relate every word of this to our lives?
After all, this was God's message for Jerusalem a long time ago.

Let's start with what we know. This is a message of hope for the future that is as true now as it was then. God will comfort the brokenhearted, and a day will come when all prisoners will be set free. One day we will trade beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, and praise for despair.

I think God wants us to live in hope for that future, to use His word to prepare for that event, and to be reassured that no matter how bad things get... there  is an end waiting for us that we cannot even imagine.

Read further in this chapter, the description and metaphors create a wonderful picture.

Posted by Greg Vandermeulen

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Relieve and Correct

Scripture:  Proverbs 31:8-9

Cross-reference:  Isaiah 1:17a  "Learn to do right!  Seek justice, relieve the oppressed, and correct the oppressor."  (Amplified Version)


I started out reading this scripture and was about to write my entry when I my computer decided to stop working.  So, I ended up reading a book called, "Birdi Num Num" by Mamta Mishra to pass the time, which, of course tied right into today's scripture. Birdi Num Num is a poor and hungry bird who discovers a Num Num (Big Seed)  that is too large for him to bite into, thus, he begins a long journey of asking many different powers to help him break down his Big Seed.  He asks a local Grinder, the Majaraja (king), Fire, the Sea, an elephant, etc.  All these people held the power to help him but didn't bother to give him the time of day.


Finally, Birdi Num Num meets one of the lower castes in his society, mice!  He came across them doing a march for justice, holding up pictures of transforming persons such as Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Che, etc.  Their way of helping Birdi was to put pressure on the powers that be because they knew that within the power chain each power depended on some service, product, or person. They figured out what influenced who and started a pressure chain to hold each power accountable until finally Birdi was able to get the first person he asked, the Grinder (local help), to grind his Num Num in order to be nourished.  Brilliant!

"...relieve the oppressed and correct the oppressor.."  Isaiah 1:17

Questions we can ask Jesus:
  • who around me or abroad do you desire for me to relieve from oppression?
  • where am I in the power chain and what do I need to be held accountable to?
  • who can I put pressure on or correct in order to free those who are oppressed? 
These are HUGE questions and I am not ready to dive into all of them right now, but they are something we can started creating space for in our minds.

Posted by Andrea Bergman

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's alll a Matter of Perspective!

Proverbs 28:27

"Be generous to the poor-you'll never go hungry

Shut your eyes to their needs, and run a gauntlet of curses."


I have to admit this blogging experience for me has been terrifying and completely out of my comfort zone.  I have found that if I remove myself from the equation and simply pass along the words or images that come to mind somehow that feels better.


When I read the passage from Proverbs the word generous jumped out at me.  By definition it means:


            Generosity is the habit of giving. Often equated with charity as a virtue, generosity is widely                              

            accepted in society as a positive habit.

            the trait of being willing to give your money or time

      acting generously

By these standards we are off the hook.  Who of us is not willing at some point to share of their time or money?  And if that's the case why don't I feel released?  I believe the challenge  from Jesus is to do more than the occasional opening of our wallets (although there is nothing wrong with that) I believe we are invited to open our hearts, and ourselves up to the experience of walking with people in the challenges of life.  I also believe the invitation is to a way of being rather than an event.  When I think about how this could look, I can easily feel overwhelmed.  When I ask Jesus to join me in the journey I feel hopeful and expectant.  I guess it's all a matter of perspective

Monday, October 27, 2008

Seeing outside yourself...

Hands on Blog Entry – 10/27/08


Scripture passage – Isaiah 58:6-9


What do you want to highlight Jesus?

Verse 6 (The Message) – "This is the kind of fast day I'm after…"


Homeless Vet (film) by Steven McDonald.


How does this apply to my life Jesus?

So often you focus on what you're looking for…and your own perspective is all you see. Most times, your ego gives you a blind eye to seeing things as others see them or as I desire you to see them. This passage is a call to the kind of fasting that I desire – not the fasting that you choose. You choose fasting for a day or two days, whether it's from media, food, or something else you're obsessed with. The fasting I ask you to take part in is about a new lifestyle and a new way of seeing.


What do you want to say to me today?

Ask me about this. When you wake up, ask me what kind of fast day I'm after. I will show you. It will always call you to a greater level of service & sacrifice…and will always yield a return much greater than what you give. Remember that the fast I ask you to take on is about your freedom and, in turn, the freedom of those around. And if you say no to my invitation to fast, be assured there will be many more opportunities. The sooner you say yes, the sooner your freedom will arrive.


Who do you want me to connect with today?

I want you to connect with those who are outsiders. Befriend them, love them, teach them, and learn from them. They have much to show you.


Posted by Donovan Bergman

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Friday, October 24, 2008

what's love got to do with it?

Romans 13:8 (NLT)

Love Fulfills God’s Requirements

Owe nothing to anyone—except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law.

How often have I wondered, “what does God require of me?” I have asked this question in many contexts of my life. In this verse it is startlingly clear: He requires me to love others. In the NLT translation, I find I am even obliged to love others. I do not want to get hung up on the negative connotations that word has for me, so with God’s grace I am going to focus on the latter portion of this verse.

When I think of God’s laws, I think of the Ten Commandments. So here I find that if I love my neighbor, I fulfill those requirements. Sounds simple enough. Until I get to some of the more ambiguous commandments … those about coveting, lying (yes, I’ve been known to be less than truthful at times), let alone that whole question of just who exactly is my neighbor … so if I just love others, I’ve got it, right?! Simple, but not easy.

Throughout the past two years or so, I have often found God bringing my attention back to this very command: love. Faced with various situations, this seemed to be his response to just about every question I put to him. So I prayed it for myself, I prayed it for others, I prayed it for this very community. There were times when it seemed like I (or we) “got it”, and that’s exhilarating. Then there were times when I (or we) were so far off the mark that I felt the wind had been knocked out of me. What more can I do? I can’t manufacture love, but I can pray for it. God, who is love, gives us good and perfect gifts. What is better or more perfect than love?

Posted by Candice Letkeman

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Keep it real - you can't fake your way out of this one!

Romans 12:10
"Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other." NLT

With such a short text this week, I thought the question of what Jesus would want to highlight would not be relevant. After all with only 13 words, how could one aspect of this text be worth noting above the entire verse?
That was until I actually read it, when the word "genuine" all but jumped off the page at me.
Consider the verse without that word. It is relatively easy to love each other with affection and take delight in honouring each other.
Really, how hard can that be?
But throw the word genuine in the mix and it's a whole different ball game.
Not only are we asked to love, but it has to be real, to be honest. There can be nothing fake about it.
I genuinely love my wife and kids, and I can show genuine love to people that have become dear to me, to people in my cell group, the seeds community, and friends I've made on my way through life.
But what about those people I can't stand? What about people that have wronged me?
A part of me wishes I could find a text in the Bible that says... not those people. To them you only have to pretend love, feign affection, practice civility, and just don¹t be too rude.
But I tried to put this text into practice. Sometime in the last couple of weeks, I had a conversation with someone who constantly annoys me. Instead of walking away as I'd done in the past, I tried to show this love by being interested, by sharing my thoughts and by just letting this person know they were also important. (That action was inspired by something I'd read, not this text, but it fits this passage remarkably.)
By the time the conversation was done, it was a genuine act, there was no faking involved.
God wants us to show His love to others. And many of us who have been on the receiving end of God's love through those around us know how powerful it can be.
How does this apply to us?
Make it your mission to love with genuine affection today, right now. You may be all alone, and think of the person who most annoys you, who you constantly fake it with. Think loving, positive thoughts. Give them a cheery "Hello" the next time you cross paths, instead of ducking around the corner.
The first part of Romans 12 in my Bible is titled "A living sacrifice to God". That's what we need to strive to be. That's what I find so hard to be.
The ironic thing to me, and I probably noted this many times before, is that many of the things God asks us to do or be, are impossible without His help.
My prayer to God today, is for Him to help me, not only have genuine love for people, but to show it. (Note that the verse uses "love" as a verb.) That means it's an action, not a feeling.
I am also thankful for so many of you that have crossed my path in life and have shown me that genuine love, whether with a conversation, or even a smile.
What would the world look like if we all practiced that love?

Posted by Greg Vandermeulen

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Authentic Friendship

friends.jpg by sam j stanton

"What this adds up to, then, is this:  no more lies, no more pretense.  Tell your neighbor the truth.  In Christ's body we're all connected to each other, after all.  When you lie to others, you end up lying to yourself."  Eph 4:25 (The Message)
What stuck out to me?
The word pretense because I don't know what it means. 
Definition (

1. pretending or feigning; 

2. a false show of something: a pretense of friendship.

The second definition above reminded me of something I just read in "The Shack" about the difference between expectancy and expectations in relationships.  The author states, "when we await to see a friend, we may have an expectancy of being together, of laughing and talking.  This expectancy has no concrete definition; it is alive and dynamic...but what happens if I change that 'expectancy' to an 'expectation' -- spoken or unspoken?  Suddenly, law has entered into our relationship.  You are now expected to perform in a way that meets my expectations.  Our living freindship rapidly deteriorates into a dead thing with rules and requirements.  It is no longer about you and me, but about what friends are supposed to do (p.205)"
I love this!  It speaks about the freedom we can have in being expectant rather than putting our own demands of what an encounter with God or a friend should look like.  It speaks into the demands or controls we can put on a friendship we may feel we are losing, or those phone calls we may make to a friend out of guilt (when law may have entered our relationship) rather than it being about authenticity. 
What does this mean for me today Jesus?
Not putting on a happy face if it doesn't feel authentic with those you come into contact with today.
Ok, that sounds fairly direct.  I think I can do that!
Posted by Andrea Bergman


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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What a Glorious Love It Is!


"Dear friends since God so loved us, we ought to also love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us."

When I read the above passage I instantly recognize these words to be true. I think about how this has been revealed in my own life. A few years ago, our family was struggling desperately with my health and all the challenges this created. We felt overwhelming despair and very real fear for our future. This was one of the darkest times along our journey and strangely enough became one of my most beautiful memories. When life was the bleakest for us, our community (Seeds) walked along side us. It would be difficult with mere words to describe all the ways this happened. It would be impossible to list all the help and support. These offerings of love were sometimes our only connection to God. So many times the only way I could find God was to look into the eyes of someone here on Earth. This period of time became pivotal in my recovery. I could gather strength both physically and spiritually. I often think about what could have possibly motivated the people in our lives. There was no hope from the medical community; there was no way we were ever going to repay all the kindness we received. The only answer that makes sense is that because God lives in the people at Seeds (and indeed all of us) his love is made complete. And what a glorious love it is!

Posted by Bev Cornelson

Monday, October 20, 2008

A New Command...

Hands on Blog Entry – 10/20/08

Scripture passage – John 13:34-35

What do you want to highlight Jesus?

Verse 34 (The Message) – "Let me give you a new command…"

How does this apply to my life Jesus?

Surprise! The new command I'm giving you is to love…to love the way that I've loved you. When you think of commands, you think of rules that fit into nice, easy categories that tell you exactly what to do. My command is to love…and it won't look the same every time. The next time you're unsure of how to respond to a situation ask yourself, "What does love require of me?"

What do you want to say to me today?

The commandment to love is the key. It's the key to living a fulfilling life. It's a key to experiencing heaven here on earth…now! There is no experience you can have or possession you can buy that will bring you the abundance that love can bring. Don't forget that love has a healing and redemptive power that is way more potent than you think it to be. My message is a message of an all-inclusive kind of love.

And remember, you love because you are loved. You are my beloved. You've received freely…now freely you can give. This love I give you is meant to be given away. It's not meant to be hoarded. I encourage you to move forward with a self-sacrificing love that sees the presence of the divine in all things.

Who do you want me to connect with today?

Be present to those I have already placed in your path.

Posted by Donovan Bergman

Friday, October 17, 2008


Isaiah 30:18

But God’s not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you. He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right – everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones.

I just finished reading Greg’s post and his reflections on waiting. And I identify with him in that waiting often tries my patience. But I also think of the times I have waited in anticipation, like waiting for the day to arrive when we leave on a vacation, or waiting for the day when each of our children were born. That feels different than waiting in the dentist’s office or waiting in line at the passport office.

In this verse, I was drawn to the idea of God waiting. That turns some of my thinking upside down. I so often think that I’m the one who waits … on Him, for Him. But to think that God is waiting around to be gracious to me … and it doesn’t sound like he’s impatient about it either, because it says that he’s gathering strength to show mercy to me. Now I know I need a lot of mercy, but so much that the God of the Universe must gather his strength to show it to me? I guess I must, because if I find myself in the preceding verse where it says “there’ll be nothing left of you [me] – a flagpole on a hill with no flag…” – how good it feels to be met with grace and mercy in that place.

Once again, I feel like he’s saying he has so much more for me than I can begin to wrap my mind around. I’ll wait around … I want to be one of the lucky ones.

Posted by Candice Letkeman

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Patience is the key

Isaiah 30:15
The Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says, "Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it." NLT

Please do yourself a favour and don't read just this single verse. It does contain a great message for all of us, but the portion surrounding it puts it into context and sheds more light on it.
I feel this is God's message to all of us, just as it was (as my Bible puts it in the heading) "a warning for rebellious Judah".
Although I personally, and we as 21st century humans don't share a lot in common with those Israelites, this text could just as easily been a subject at church on Sunday last week.
God does not offer instant gratification or peacefulness, at least not all the time.
The key to this text is the first word, "only". That means this is the one way we can be saved. Returning to God and WAITING.
Nobody likes to wait. But if you are experiencing pain in your left arm and a tightness in you chest, would you walk out of the emergency room because you¹d have to wait for a few minutes for a doctor? You wouldn't because the alternative is a sure death.
What do you think the consequence of walking away from God is?
Luckily, unlike our health care system, God is merciful and understanding. I don't wait easily. I hate lines of any kind and patience is not a virtue I have in abundance. But God welcomes us back each time we decide to fill ourselves with indignation and stride out of the waiting room, only to crawl back in, and try to sneak into our still warm seat.
"In quietness and confidence is your strength."
Humbleness, patience, being submissive... all our strengths in our relationship with God. Yet in the world, those are often perceived as weaknesses and won't get you ahead any more than tweaking your boss's nose every morning.
But the real eye-opener is elsewhere in the text. God says this is the only way to be saved. Yet those people of Judah had other plans, including getting help from Egypt, getting some fast horses for their army, or even telling the prophets to shut up and start telling nice things so they didn't have to think about it. You've got to admit, considering our shortcomings and sinful nature is definitely a downer.
How often do we rely on God as only one of many options?  And for me He's often not even the first.
A crisis comes and I rely on myself. What can I do? Than I look to others. Who can I call? Then finally when all is said and done, I think to myself, maybe I should pray about this.
This text is a challenge to me to put God first, to rely on him. Wait for God, he knows your there. And whether you realise it or not, he's sitting in the seat next to you. When you have a problem turn to him, when things are going well turn to him. Quietness and confidence may be our strengths, but if, like me, they aren't on your resume, pray for them.
I feel very scattered this morning... and this verse tugs me in so many ways, I only hope what I wrote makes some kind of sense to you all.
I will walk away from this text, feeling reassured. This is a key to improving relationships with God. I hope you feel the same.

Posted by Greg Vandermeulen

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How deep is His love? Anyone?

how deep is the ocean.........??? by hb19  [ in & out ]

Scripture: Romans 8:31-39

As I've been reading the different scriptures that have been selected, Jesus keeps bringing to mind a family that Dono & I are in relationship with. It's a relationship that has a definite power-imbalance, where we are the ones seen as having a lot (which we do) and they are the ones seen as having little. We are labeled the givers, and they, the takers. There has been definite tension and frustration on both sides. Through these scriptures, the Lord has beautifully and tenderly been examining my love for them. I decided to insert my name into this scripture and rewrite parts of it according to The Message version. I'll refer to this family as the Jones'.

"If Andrea didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for the Jones' embracing their condition and exposing herself to the worst…is there anything else she wouldn't gladly and feely do for them??…would I, Andrea, even dare to point a finger at them, for Jesus is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for them. Does Andrea think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between the Jones' and her and Christ's love for them? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture…none of this fazes them because they know Andrea and Jesus love them."

Ok, so I had a mixture of laughter & tears as I let the Truth of the difference between Jesus and my love for others seep in. There is no comparison folks!! I cannot fathom what it would be like to love others like this. How DEEP the Father's love for us, how VAST beyond ALL MEASURE!!!

Jesus, how can I begin to love others like you do?

Immerse yourself in My Love. Allow me to help you grow roots that become established and fixed in My Love. This will enable you to see (with Papa's eyes!) how the Father's Love marks each person, people group, and family. When you look through My Eyes of Grace you will see the intrinsic worth of a spiritual-eternal being that I have crafted and designed in and for Love.

Posted by Andrea Bergman

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

East is from the West

Here I am Lord,
and I'm drowning
in your sea of forgetfulness
the chains of yesterday surround me
I yearn for peace and rest
I dont want to end up where you found me
and it echoes in my mind,
keeps me awake tonight

I know you cast my sin as far as the east is from the west
and I stand before you now,
as if I've never sinned
but today I feel like I'm just one mistake away
from you leaving me this way

and Jesus can you show me
just how far the east is from the west
cause I can't bear to see the man I've been
rising up in me again
in the arms of your mercy I find rest,
cause you know just how far the East is from the West
from one scarred hand to the other.

I start the day the war begins
endless reminding of my sin
time and time again your truth is drowned out
by the storm I'm in
today I feel like I'm just one mistake away,
from you leaving me this way and Jesus can you show me,
just how far the East is from the West
cause I can't bear to see the man I've been
rising up in me again
in the arms of your mercy I find rest
'cause you know
just how far the East is from the West
from one scarred hand to the other.

I know you've washed me white,
turned my darkness into light
I need your peace to get me through,
to get me through this night
can't live by what I feel
but by the Truth your Word reveals,
I'm not holding on to you
but you're holding on to me,
you're holding on to me

Jesus you know
just how far the East is from the West
I don't have to see the man I've been,
rising up in me again
in the arms of your mercy I find rest
'cause you know just how far the East is from the West,
just how far,
from one scarred hand to the other.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Identity check...

Hands on Blog Entry - 10/13/08

Scripture passage – Ephesians 1:11-12

What do you want to highlight Jesus?

Verse 11 (The Message) – "It's in Christ that we find out who we are…"

QDI's driver's license by austrianpsycho.

How does this apply to my life Jesus?

This passage speaks to your identity. So let Me ask you, who are you? How do you see yourself…how do others see you? How do you determine the identity of others?

This passage not only leads you to ask this question…but it's a promise – since your identity is found in Me. I have already called you good…and I have already called you my child. You are lovely, treasured, and beautiful – just as you are.

What do you want to say to me today?

Your identity is not locked up in what you do. Being task oriented, you often think that's how I work. But it's not the truth. Sabbath (or resting) would be awful hard if that were the kind of game I played. I am far more interested in who you are than what you can get done. And your possessions – I don't really take those into account either. Your value to me is intrinsic* in nature.

When you start from this place of knowing who you are in Me, other things begin to fall into place. You see yourself differently…and you see others differently. Once you realize that you are loved immeasurably by Me, that love will necessarily be shared with those around you. Stay grounded…stay connected…and the flow of this love will never end. Ever. It's a promise. Feel free to test me on this…

*Intrinsic value – value that belongs to the essential nature of a thing that is not influenced by external factors. (ie the intrinsic brightness of a star)

Posted by Donovan Bergman

Friday, October 10, 2008

you are chosen

Ephesians 1:5-6

Long before he [God] laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.

When I was in elementary and junior high school, I hated the “schoolyard pick” method of choosing teams in gym. In the first place, I didn’t even want to play the game – I was not an athlete, that was well known – but I could hardly stand the humiliation of being picked last. On the rare occasion, I would be chosen by what I thought of as a “pity-pick”, by someone who on some level knew how awful it feels to be picked last; but in a way that was almost worse.

As I read this passage from Ephesians this morning, I sensed Jesus saying to me that he picked me first. Before the foundations of the earth were laid, he had his mind set on me. This was no “pity pick”, this was purposeful. And as I settle into that thought, he continues to reveal to me my place and my identity in his family of adopted children. I am a part of a family that is diverse and unique, and worth celebrating. I am a part of a family where each one has been picked first.

Today I’m going forward with the words “you are chosen” in my heart.

Posted by Candice Letkeman

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Affirmation, a wonderful promise, and a tough challenge

1 John 3:1-3
³See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for he allows us to be called his children, and we really are! But the people who belong to this world don¹t know God, so they don¹t understand that we are his children. Yes, dear friends, we are already God¹s children, and we can¹t imagine what we will be like when Christ returns. But we do know that when he comes we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is. And all who believe this will keep themselves pure, just as Christ is pure.² NLT

When I asked myself, what I could take from this text, I really couldn't see a single message. Instead I couldn't help but notice how the text is a big pat on the back, a tantalising glimpse of the future, and what seems to me, a very tough challenge.


In the first part of the verse, the apostle John says we really are God's children. Imagine all that goes with that. God loves us not only like we love our own kids, but even more. A parent's love for their children is tough to explain, but it involves yearning for nothing but success and happiness for them. Now imagine a perfect love, which only God is capable of producing. Take the moment when you felt love the most, and magnify it. That's the warm embrace we are walking in through life all the time!

A promise

"...when he comes we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is." What an amazing promise that is. Imagine the day we will see Jesus for who he really is, without our preconceived notions, or stereotypes that we (after all we're only human) have acquired through life. What will that day be like? What will we do or say? When will that day be?

A challenge

"...all who believe this will keep themselves pure, just as Christ is pure." For me this is when reality sets in. Personally a challenge like this can be very depressing if I just consider the statement. John doesn't ask us to strive to be pure, or try to be pure. He says everyone who believes this WILL keep themselves pure. Does that mean, the second a stray sinful thought enters our heads we have failed? And does failing then mean we don't really believe after all?
This kind of thinking is a very slippery slope and I don't mind admitting, I spend most of my life sliding down that slope on my butt, and crawling back up.
This challenge has to be taken into context with the rest of the bible, and the analogy as God as our father. To be pure for Christ we need His help!. We are not without sin, and God knows it. But we can strive to deepen our faith, to let Christ hold the reigns on our life!
If we were really pure "just as Christ is", would we even need God? Wouldn't Jesus' sacrifice have been a waste?
If this verse says one thing to me, it says God loves us like a parent, and one day we will see just how deep that love is. It's so deep that we cannot imagine a love that perfect. If we try to take every step with Christ, we can learn more and help others learn as well.
Is there anything better than that?

Greg Vandermeulen

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Trained Eye

Hawk posing by Zevotron.


Proverbs 3:5-6 (Amplified Bible)

5Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

6In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.


What sticks out to me in this passage?

"In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him" 
In all your ways know Him
In all your ways recognize Him.
In all your ways acknowledge Him
What does it mean to know, recognize, and acknowledge Him in every circumstance and person?  I believe it takes a trained eye.  An eye that sees things as they really are.  
A couple of my uncles are big into NASCAR.  To me it looks like the same thing for hours:  cars driving in a circle or is it a figure-eight?  Boring.  My aunt used to think the same thing until she started seeing all the intricate work and strategies that are at work.  Her eye became trained to see what was really going on which opened a whole new world of excitement in NASCAR for her.
On my drive to work, I see the same hawk sitting on the same post looking for mice.  Its eye is trained to know & recognize these lil' creatures.
You know those weird hologram pictures that were popular years ago?  The ones that just look like a series of patterns, but when you cross your eyes and stare at them they become these 3-dimensional pictures? It took me awhile to train my eye to be able to conquer these art pieces, but once I was able to, it opened a whole new hologram-world for me!
One of my prayers this past summer was to see circumstances and people for who and what they really are through knowing and recognizing Him.  It was eye-opening!  As different people came to mind, I would ask "Jesus how do you see Susie?" I learned that my human eyes tend to see things as very ordinary rather than infused with His delight and purpose. 
And so today as buy fresh honey from the guy down the street, I will ask Jesus how he sees this man.  AND to you, the reader, I will ask: who is the one person/circumstance you can ask this about today?
Posted by Andrea Bergman



Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Remain in Me

John 15 5-7 (NIV) says:

"I am the vine you are the branches.  If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers such branches are thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given you."


Life is crazy.  Sometimes it can become a competition to see who is busiest and most involved.  Ever since I was healed I have felt like I am feasting at a banqueting table, I want to taste and savor every morsel of life,  I don't want to miss a moment and indeed want to make up for time lost.  Jesus challenges me with the words from Psalm 46 "Be still and know that I am God." He is found in the stillness of each day I know if I sit in that stillness Jesus will speak from his heart to mine.  The above passage from John reminds me that my priority each day is to remain in him.  I'm a passionate person, I feel joy and pain with equal intensity.  Today, Jesus  nudges me and tells me that He is constant and unchanging. As humans our emotions may be up or down but Jesus stays constant and true never changing in his desire to love us and speak truth into our lives.  There is nothing I can do to gain/achieve a divine relationship with Jesus; I need only to remain in him.


Monday, October 6, 2008


Hands On Blog Entry – 10/6/08

Scripture passage – John 15:5-7

What do you want to highlight Jesus?

Verse 5 (The Message) – "Separated, you can't produce a thing."

Separation Anxiety by Brenda Anderson

How does this apply to my life Jesus?

It's quite simple. When you're separated from Me, you'll know it quickly. Your motives change and bad fruit emerges. Instead of living a life permeated with love and unity, your ego quickly takes over and makes it all about you. You choose power over servanthood and the elevation of your own ego over humility. Remember, the kingdom of God belongs to those who are poor in spirit – not those who think they've got it all figured out.

What do you want to say to me today?

Live out of who you know you are. The true self – who you are at the core of your being – is connected to Me. It's your choice to live out of that place or a place of separation.

You know that you've been created as a spiritual being that is connected to the source of all life. You know that I've called you good – just as you are this very moment! You know that you have nothing to prove. It is in this place of knowing who you really are – and living out of that knowledge – that brings you to a place of abundance.

Posted by Donovan Bergman

Welcome to the Hands On Connectedness Challenge

During this month we want to foster the truth that GOD is the Source of ALL of our connections. There is no connection without God. So our first "work" is to roll up our sleeves and get 'hands on' with the Source, who longs for relationship!!

Out of this place, God releases us, inspires us, and moves us into connectedness with OTHERS. This connection is vital to LIFE and incorporates others already in our life (family, friends, co-workers, neighbors), AND also others that we are not personally in relationship with yet, in a more global sense. Throughout this month we will be challenged to really get our hands on Connection to the Source, and to Others, both across the street and around the world!!

Be sure to check back regularly for updated posts.

Check out our resources page and take the Hands On Connectedness Challenge.

Posted by Ted Enns-Dyck

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