Thursday, October 16, 2008

Patience is the key

Isaiah 30:15
The Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says, "Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it." NLT

Please do yourself a favour and don't read just this single verse. It does contain a great message for all of us, but the portion surrounding it puts it into context and sheds more light on it.
I feel this is God's message to all of us, just as it was (as my Bible puts it in the heading) "a warning for rebellious Judah".
Although I personally, and we as 21st century humans don't share a lot in common with those Israelites, this text could just as easily been a subject at church on Sunday last week.
God does not offer instant gratification or peacefulness, at least not all the time.
The key to this text is the first word, "only". That means this is the one way we can be saved. Returning to God and WAITING.
Nobody likes to wait. But if you are experiencing pain in your left arm and a tightness in you chest, would you walk out of the emergency room because you¹d have to wait for a few minutes for a doctor? You wouldn't because the alternative is a sure death.
What do you think the consequence of walking away from God is?
Luckily, unlike our health care system, God is merciful and understanding. I don't wait easily. I hate lines of any kind and patience is not a virtue I have in abundance. But God welcomes us back each time we decide to fill ourselves with indignation and stride out of the waiting room, only to crawl back in, and try to sneak into our still warm seat.
"In quietness and confidence is your strength."
Humbleness, patience, being submissive... all our strengths in our relationship with God. Yet in the world, those are often perceived as weaknesses and won't get you ahead any more than tweaking your boss's nose every morning.
But the real eye-opener is elsewhere in the text. God says this is the only way to be saved. Yet those people of Judah had other plans, including getting help from Egypt, getting some fast horses for their army, or even telling the prophets to shut up and start telling nice things so they didn't have to think about it. You've got to admit, considering our shortcomings and sinful nature is definitely a downer.
How often do we rely on God as only one of many options?  And for me He's often not even the first.
A crisis comes and I rely on myself. What can I do? Than I look to others. Who can I call? Then finally when all is said and done, I think to myself, maybe I should pray about this.
This text is a challenge to me to put God first, to rely on him. Wait for God, he knows your there. And whether you realise it or not, he's sitting in the seat next to you. When you have a problem turn to him, when things are going well turn to him. Quietness and confidence may be our strengths, but if, like me, they aren't on your resume, pray for them.
I feel very scattered this morning... and this verse tugs me in so many ways, I only hope what I wrote makes some kind of sense to you all.
I will walk away from this text, feeling reassured. This is a key to improving relationships with God. I hope you feel the same.

Posted by Greg Vandermeulen


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