Monday, October 13, 2008

Identity check...

Hands on Blog Entry - 10/13/08

Scripture passage – Ephesians 1:11-12

What do you want to highlight Jesus?

Verse 11 (The Message) – "It's in Christ that we find out who we are…"

QDI's driver's license by austrianpsycho.

How does this apply to my life Jesus?

This passage speaks to your identity. So let Me ask you, who are you? How do you see yourself…how do others see you? How do you determine the identity of others?

This passage not only leads you to ask this question…but it's a promise – since your identity is found in Me. I have already called you good…and I have already called you my child. You are lovely, treasured, and beautiful – just as you are.

What do you want to say to me today?

Your identity is not locked up in what you do. Being task oriented, you often think that's how I work. But it's not the truth. Sabbath (or resting) would be awful hard if that were the kind of game I played. I am far more interested in who you are than what you can get done. And your possessions – I don't really take those into account either. Your value to me is intrinsic* in nature.

When you start from this place of knowing who you are in Me, other things begin to fall into place. You see yourself differently…and you see others differently. Once you realize that you are loved immeasurably by Me, that love will necessarily be shared with those around you. Stay grounded…stay connected…and the flow of this love will never end. Ever. It's a promise. Feel free to test me on this…

*Intrinsic value – value that belongs to the essential nature of a thing that is not influenced by external factors. (ie the intrinsic brightness of a star)

Posted by Donovan Bergman


Anonymous said...

Good point Donovan!
It’s pretty hard to pour love and acceptance on others if you are unable to accept it from God. That’s a struggle for me every day, as I often have to take the cart from the front end of the horse and put it where it belongs.
I get stuck believing my actions must be good enough to somehow deserve God’s love. When I wake up and realize God’s love comes first, it all makes sense and falls into place.
Thanks for pointing that out!

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