Monday, October 20, 2008

A New Command...

Hands on Blog Entry – 10/20/08

Scripture passage – John 13:34-35

What do you want to highlight Jesus?

Verse 34 (The Message) – "Let me give you a new command…"

How does this apply to my life Jesus?

Surprise! The new command I'm giving you is to love…to love the way that I've loved you. When you think of commands, you think of rules that fit into nice, easy categories that tell you exactly what to do. My command is to love…and it won't look the same every time. The next time you're unsure of how to respond to a situation ask yourself, "What does love require of me?"

What do you want to say to me today?

The commandment to love is the key. It's the key to living a fulfilling life. It's a key to experiencing heaven here on earth…now! There is no experience you can have or possession you can buy that will bring you the abundance that love can bring. Don't forget that love has a healing and redemptive power that is way more potent than you think it to be. My message is a message of an all-inclusive kind of love.

And remember, you love because you are loved. You are my beloved. You've received freely…now freely you can give. This love I give you is meant to be given away. It's not meant to be hoarded. I encourage you to move forward with a self-sacrificing love that sees the presence of the divine in all things.

Who do you want me to connect with today?

Be present to those I have already placed in your path.

Posted by Donovan Bergman


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