Saturday, March 7, 2009

So Strong is His Love

Psalm 103 (The Message)

It can be so hard for us to understand the character of God primarily, I think, because He operates so differently than we can fully comprehend.

As citizens of God's Kingdom, we are invited into a life of freedom and abundance.  As people living in a fallen world, accepting and believing that we deserve to live so beautifully can present some seemingly insurmountable challenges.

In this Psalm we are told that God  "forgives your sins – every one"

For many, many years, my immediate internal response to this promise was 'really?  Well maybe that's true for some people, but I've done so many horrible things, which led to even more horrible things…this can't really be true, can it?'.   The process towards accepting this promise was slow and tumultuous for me.  It often felt like a tug-of-war…not because of anything God did, but because I simply could not fathom that once I brought my sins to the cross He separated me from my sins "as far as sunrise is from sunset".  I'd bring my sins to Him…but then I'd eventually run back and pull them back to me..back and forth, back and forth.   

I am deeply grateful that God is not like me.  If only I could parent like God does…then perhaps my children would never again hear me say things like 'how many times do you need to be told not to do that', or be made to feel like they are not good enough because they messed up. 

Thank you, Father, that you don't treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.

David also reminds us that "He heals your diseases – every one"

Having lived on both sides of disease, I can tell you that healing feels so much better than illness.  Illness to me is yet another form of bondage…another twisted vision of how we come to define ourselves.   I LOVE the freedom that comes with healing.  Thank you, Father, for your love that is ever and always…eternally present!

David goes on to explain that "He redeems you from hell –saves your life!"

Undeserving little ol' me deserves redemption? I am humbled beyond belief…and am deeply grateful.  David reminds us that "God makes everything come out right; he puts victims back on their feet". Thank you, Father, for your sheer mercy and grace.

"He crowns you with love and mercy – a paradise crown. He wraps you in goodness – beauty eternal. He renews your youth—you're always young in his presence."

Yes! He says we are worthy of this beautiful inheritance.  We are joint heirs to His Kingdom!  Thank you, Father, for these beautiful promises.

Thank you, Father, for showing us that you want us to have freedom from sin and disease.  Thank you for showing us that you want us to experience abundance through redemption, love, mercy, goodness, and renewal. 


Posted by Kelly Skelton


Sawatzky family on March 7, 2009 at 10:22 AM said...

Thank you for a beautiful post!
I needed the reminder!

Anonymous said...

Redeemed. I've been reading alot about this freedom that Jesus offers latley. Your words are ecncouarging and reflect some of my own journey. Thanks for your transparency. Cal

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