Friday, February 19, 2010

His Banner Over Me

He has taken me to the banquet hall.  And his banner over me is love.
-Song of Songs 2:4

Everyone can use a word of encouragement every now and then.  Even if it can be difficult to receive, even difficult to believe sometimes, those words of encouragement somehow make their way into our hearts and minds and nourish us right where we need it most.

So if a word of encouragement from another person is so meaningful, how much more meaningful is it to have a word of encouragement from the Lord?  That is at the heart of banner reading:  asking the Lord, on behalf of someone else, to reveal a word that speaks his thoughts about that person.

It has been the iPray Team’s humbling privilege to ask the Lord to reveal his banner over people in the Seeds community these past two weeks.  We’ve had the experience of praying with both the Branches and the Twigs ... and being delighted at seeing God’s banner revealed over our teens and tweens.  The Branches were even further involved and got to be on both the receiving and giving ends of banner reading during the service two weeks ago.  We’ve also read banners over people who requested it that morning, which was a faith-building experience in itself.  Personally, I had opportunity to do banner reading for people that I am not in close relationship with, and even for people that I did not even have a face for the name.  When an encouraging word comes to me for a person that I do not even know, I have to trust that it is from the Lord.

So, for those of you who requested to have your banner read and received a word through the iPray Team, I pray that it penetrates your heart and soaks into your being.  It truly is God’s word for you.  For anybody reading this that feels they missed their chance, or would like to have their banner read, please contact the iPray Team:

-Candice Letkeman
Seeds iPray Team


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