Monday, March 2, 2009



Psalm 100

It's interesting for me to be invited to share about what Psalm 100 has meant for me.    This psalm has shaped my private time with God, perhaps more than any other passage.  In the Message it says in part," Enter with the password: Thank-you" and for me this line is the "secret" to life that has nothing to do with Oprah!   Matthew tells us "our cleansed and grateful life not our words, will bear witness to what he has done"  I want, and perhaps I could even say I am desperate for my life to be a reflection of my gratitude to God for who he is and what he has done in my life.  However there are times  when I am in that place of either being overwhelmed with life and its problems, or God is showing me something (yet again) that needs correction in my life, or I am just plain weary, and gratitude can be  hard to find.  If  in those moments I begin with naming everything that Jesus is to me, it never takes very long and I am moved to tears.  I feel gratitude so deep in my soul that it needs a different name. It never ceases to amaze me that this simple act can change the course of my thoughts so dramatically.  Once I discovered this trick I tried it even when words were not failing me and I wasn't on the floor in a puddle of tears-- turns out I'm moved in those moments as well.  I invite you to try it and see if your spirit won't be undone….

You are MY Healer

You are the lifter of MY head

Your grace is sufficient for ME                                                                           

Your mercy is new every morning

You invited me to your banqueting table but your eyes feasted on ME.

Your face I will seek

You are MY Abba Father

You are Kings of Kings

You are Lord of Lords

You promised ME the morning star

Posted by: Bev Cornelson


Sawatzky family on March 3, 2009 at 10:43 AM said...

Wonderfully said Bev :)
It is amazing how just sitting in gratitiude of God can turn into such a powerful experience. I was lead to go and look up all the names for God in the Bible and I was just amazed!

Anonymous said...

BEV you inspire me to be more in tune with God you are a shining gem for God. I love you Bev I also love your humbleness for you if seems so natural and for some of us we have to struggle with our pride to become humble. Jenn

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