Psalm 30
As I read this Psalm, I am once again reminded that God's love is constant. No matter what circumstances life may bring the highs and lows that accompany us on our spiritual, emotional, and physical journeys He is there, and His love is constant.
I hear people (myself included) describing seasons of spiritual "feasting" or "famine" but that comes from us. Each and every time we reach out, He is there. Ready. His banquet is always prepared, and we are always welcome to feast.
He invites us to come to Him with everything. Nothing is too ugly for Him. Nothing is too horrible. He has so much grace for us.
He showed this to me in a vision a few years ago, in what I hope doesn't sound too cliché.
I was at a place in my life where I felt too ugly, too horrible, and then God showed me His vision. There I was, locked away, curled up in a fetal position feeling defenseless, alone, and afraid. Then I saw God's hand reach out, and from that place of despair a damaged emotional 'cocoon', I saw His desire for my transformation and a beautiful butterfly emerged from that awful place.
In this Psalm, I see this promise of transformation for all of us. David cried out for help, and God pulled him "out of the grave" and gave him "another chance at life" (The Message). David also reminds us that "the nights of crying your eyes out [will] give way to days of laughter" (The Message). I cling to this promise!
Thank you Father God, that you desire for us all to have some sort of metamorphosis, and that your love and grace are abundant as we evolve and grow. Thank you for your perfect vision of our true selves.
Thank you for the promise that you will transform "wild lament into whirling dance". Thank you for "ripping off our black mourning bands and decking us with wildflowers" (The Message, Psalm 30:11-12).
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I can't thank you enough!
Posted by Kelly Skelton
Thank you for sharing those images, Kelly. Today I especially needed to hear the part about spiritual feasts and famines. Thank you for reminding me that those come from us, and not from God.
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