Proverbs 3:5-6 (Amplified Bible)
5Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. 6In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
What sticks out to me in this passage?
"In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him"
In all your ways know Him
In all your ways recognize Him.
In all your ways acknowledge Him
What does it mean to know, recognize, and acknowledge Him in every circumstance and person? I believe it takes a trained eye. An eye that sees things as they really are.
A couple of my uncles are big into NASCAR. To me it looks like the same thing for hours: cars driving in a circle or is it a figure-eight? Boring. My aunt used to think the same thing until she started seeing all the intricate work and strategies that are at work. Her eye became trained to see what was really going on which opened a whole new world of excitement in NASCAR for her.
On my drive to work, I see the same hawk sitting on the same post looking for mice. Its eye is trained to know & recognize these lil' creatures.
You know those weird hologram pictures that were popular years ago? The ones that just look like a series of patterns, but when you cross your eyes and stare at them they become these 3-dimensional pictures? It took me awhile to train my eye to be able to conquer these art pieces, but once I was able to, it opened a whole new hologram-world for me!
One of my prayers this past summer was to see circumstances and people for who and what they really are through knowing and recognizing Him. It was eye-opening! As different people came to mind, I would ask "Jesus how do you see Susie?" I learned that my human eyes tend to see things as very ordinary rather than infused with His delight and purpose.
And so today as buy fresh honey from the guy down the street, I will ask Jesus how he sees this man. AND to you, the reader, I will ask: who is the one person/circumstance you can ask this about today?
Posted by Andrea Bergman
6In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
What sticks out to me in this passage?
"In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him"
In all your ways know Him
In all your ways recognize Him.
In all your ways acknowledge Him
What does it mean to know, recognize, and acknowledge Him in every circumstance and person? I believe it takes a trained eye. An eye that sees things as they really are.
A couple of my uncles are big into NASCAR. To me it looks like the same thing for hours: cars driving in a circle or is it a figure-eight? Boring. My aunt used to think the same thing until she started seeing all the intricate work and strategies that are at work. Her eye became trained to see what was really going on which opened a whole new world of excitement in NASCAR for her.
On my drive to work, I see the same hawk sitting on the same post looking for mice. Its eye is trained to know & recognize these lil' creatures.
You know those weird hologram pictures that were popular years ago? The ones that just look like a series of patterns, but when you cross your eyes and stare at them they become these 3-dimensional pictures? It took me awhile to train my eye to be able to conquer these art pieces, but once I was able to, it opened a whole new hologram-world for me!
One of my prayers this past summer was to see circumstances and people for who and what they really are through knowing and recognizing Him. It was eye-opening! As different people came to mind, I would ask "Jesus how do you see Susie?" I learned that my human eyes tend to see things as very ordinary rather than infused with His delight and purpose.
And so today as buy fresh honey from the guy down the street, I will ask Jesus how he sees this man. AND to you, the reader, I will ask: who is the one person/circumstance you can ask this about today?
Posted by Andrea Bergman
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