Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.
I read this passage first thing this morning, and I have been letting it work its way into my heart all day. I have to admit, it made me very uncomfortable. I am a thinker, a pray-er, more at home in the contemplative passages in the Bible. Commands to "reach out" are so action-oriented, often outside my comfort zone. In this verse, I can find myself in the words "guard against", as that is something I can do from my knees. I want to focus on that part of the verse, but he's clearly highlighting the preceding portion. "Reach out" is something I must get more involved with on a more practical level.
Could Jesus be pleased with my discomfort around this? I'm certain he is challenging me here. Because I find myself at his feet with so many questions, like "why do I find this so difficult?" and "could there be seasons in my life where I'm more contemplative and seasons when I'm more action-oriented?" and even, "if you've created me with a passion for the contemplative, won't this command be carried out by another, by someone whom you've placed this burden on their heart?" So far I have not gotten any neat and tidy answers. I must be meant to live with the tension. This I know for sure: there is no place I'd rather be with all these questions than face down at the feet of my Lord.
Posted by Candice Letkeman
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