"Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other." NLT
With such a short text this week, I thought the question of what Jesus would want to highlight would not be relevant. After all with only 13 words, how could one aspect of this text be worth noting above the entire verse?
That was until I actually read it, when the word "genuine" all but jumped off the page at me.
Consider the verse without that word. It is relatively easy to love each other with affection and take delight in honouring each other.
Really, how hard can that be?
But throw the word genuine in the mix and it's a whole different ball game.
Not only are we asked to love, but it has to be real, to be honest. There can be nothing fake about it.
I genuinely love my wife and kids, and I can show genuine love to people that have become dear to me, to people in my cell group, the seeds community, and friends I've made on my way through life.
But what about those people I can't stand? What about people that have wronged me?
A part of me wishes I could find a text in the Bible that says... not those people. To them you only have to pretend love, feign affection, practice civility, and just don¹t be too rude.
But I tried to put this text into practice. Sometime in the last couple of weeks, I had a conversation with someone who constantly annoys me. Instead of walking away as I'd done in the past, I tried to show this love by being interested, by sharing my thoughts and by just letting this person know they were also important. (That action was inspired by something I'd read, not this text, but it fits this passage remarkably.)
By the time the conversation was done, it was a genuine act, there was no faking involved.
God wants us to show His love to others. And many of us who have been on the receiving end of God's love through those around us know how powerful it can be.
How does this apply to us?
Make it your mission to love with genuine affection today, right now. You may be all alone, and think of the person who most annoys you, who you constantly fake it with. Think loving, positive thoughts. Give them a cheery "Hello" the next time you cross paths, instead of ducking around the corner.
The first part of Romans 12 in my Bible is titled "A living sacrifice to God". That's what we need to strive to be. That's what I find so hard to be.
The ironic thing to me, and I probably noted this many times before, is that many of the things God asks us to do or be, are impossible without His help.
My prayer to God today, is for Him to help me, not only have genuine love for people, but to show it. (Note that the verse uses "love" as a verb.) That means it's an action, not a feeling.
I am also thankful for so many of you that have crossed my path in life and have shown me that genuine love, whether with a conversation, or even a smile.
What would the world look like if we all practiced that love?
Posted by Greg Vandermeulen
Dear bloggers,
THANK YOU!!! I've wanted to comment many times on various blogs...so now I'll just throw out a general one.
Your posts have touched, challenged and inspired me over the last couple of weeks. Often the right word at the right time! I know it's vulnerable on your part and a bit of a risk to put yourself out there, so I just want to thank you and hope that it's been worth it for you too!!
I've loved ALL of your perspectives and stories and challenges...thanks for spurring me on in my faith!!
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