Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's alll a Matter of Perspective!

Proverbs 28:27

"Be generous to the poor-you'll never go hungry

Shut your eyes to their needs, and run a gauntlet of curses."


I have to admit this blogging experience for me has been terrifying and completely out of my comfort zone.  I have found that if I remove myself from the equation and simply pass along the words or images that come to mind somehow that feels better.


When I read the passage from Proverbs the word generous jumped out at me.  By definition it means:


            Generosity is the habit of giving. Often equated with charity as a virtue, generosity is widely                              

            accepted in society as a positive habit.

            the trait of being willing to give your money or time

      acting generously

By these standards we are off the hook.  Who of us is not willing at some point to share of their time or money?  And if that's the case why don't I feel released?  I believe the challenge  from Jesus is to do more than the occasional opening of our wallets (although there is nothing wrong with that) I believe we are invited to open our hearts, and ourselves up to the experience of walking with people in the challenges of life.  I also believe the invitation is to a way of being rather than an event.  When I think about how this could look, I can easily feel overwhelmed.  When I ask Jesus to join me in the journey I feel hopeful and expectant.  I guess it's all a matter of perspective


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