Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How deep is His love? Anyone?

how deep is the ocean.........??? by hb19  [ in & out ]

Scripture: Romans 8:31-39

As I've been reading the different scriptures that have been selected, Jesus keeps bringing to mind a family that Dono & I are in relationship with. It's a relationship that has a definite power-imbalance, where we are the ones seen as having a lot (which we do) and they are the ones seen as having little. We are labeled the givers, and they, the takers. There has been definite tension and frustration on both sides. Through these scriptures, the Lord has beautifully and tenderly been examining my love for them. I decided to insert my name into this scripture and rewrite parts of it according to The Message version. I'll refer to this family as the Jones'.

"If Andrea didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for the Jones' embracing their condition and exposing herself to the worst…is there anything else she wouldn't gladly and feely do for them??…would I, Andrea, even dare to point a finger at them, for Jesus is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for them. Does Andrea think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between the Jones' and her and Christ's love for them? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture…none of this fazes them because they know Andrea and Jesus love them."

Ok, so I had a mixture of laughter & tears as I let the Truth of the difference between Jesus and my love for others seep in. There is no comparison folks!! I cannot fathom what it would be like to love others like this. How DEEP the Father's love for us, how VAST beyond ALL MEASURE!!!

Jesus, how can I begin to love others like you do?

Immerse yourself in My Love. Allow me to help you grow roots that become established and fixed in My Love. This will enable you to see (with Papa's eyes!) how the Father's Love marks each person, people group, and family. When you look through My Eyes of Grace you will see the intrinsic worth of a spiritual-eternal being that I have crafted and designed in and for Love.

Posted by Andrea Bergman


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